Thursday, December 16, 2010

[Flash CS5] 5005: Unknown error optimizing byte code.

If you met this error, or you compile swf but it's can not run correctly without any error message. It's mean the java machine's memory is not enough for Flash CS5 to complile.

A solution for all of you who are having this issue again with CS5 here:

1. Quit Flash
2. In a text editor, open the jvm.ini file from the following location:

2.1. Windows XP: System Hard Disk\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\Flash CS5\\Configuration\ActionScript 3.0\jvm.ini
2.2. Windows Vista or Windows7: System Hard Disk\Users\\AppData\Local\Adobe\Flash CS5\\Configuration\ActionScript 3.0\jvm.ini

(You might need to turn on “show hidden files”winking
3. Change -Xmx128m to -Xmx256m and save the file.

OR -Xmx314m OR -Xmx512m.

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